Monday, December 23, 2013

post-it sized inspiration

I spent a good majority of my afternoon writing-and rewriting-quotes on post-it notes. I've always been a fan of quotes and motos, and have collected them on various notebook pages and occasionally, the notepad app on my phone. However, instead of jotting down them down on scraps of paper, this time I decided to write them on post-its, and hang them on my wall.

I wrote down ten of my favorite motos, and taped them up below one of my numerous collages.

The end result looks pretty spiffy, in my opinion. It's nice being able to sit at my desk, and look up and get an eyeful of inspiration. Words are so very powerful-even when they're written on minuscule pieces of paper. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

enough happiness

sometimes i feel so overwhelmed with happiness
i feel like i'm about to burst any second.
i feel whole, complete, good

sometimes i feel this way for no reason

i feel bad when this happens
because while i'm experiencing this happy moment; someone, somewhere, is having the worst day of their life
someone, somewhere, just got murdered
someone, somewhere, just took their own life
someone, somewhere, is crying themselves to sleep
someone, somewhere...

the world is filled with sadness
it's in every crook
and every cranny

but, i have to remind myself that life is also very happy; someone, somewhere, is having the best day of their life
someone, somewhere, just married their best friend
someone, somewhere, is traveling around the world, experiencing new things, and admiring this world
someone, somewhere just met the person that they'll fall in love with someday
someone, somewhere, was just born. a fresh soul has entered this strange, complex, beautiful place i call home.

and that gives me hope
because even though this world is full of evil, horrible people, it is also filled with beautiful, loving people
and that is enough